Kayaknya bener-bener enggak penting posting kali ini.
I think it's really not important story.
Cuma pengin nginget-nginget aja....
Just wanna remember again...
Jalan-jalan ma pak DIKTI di Malang tanggal 21 mpe 25 Juli 2009 alias setahun lalu...
Remember the "Travelling" with DIKTI in Malang at 2009, 21-25 July, one year ago...
Remember the "Travelling" with DIKTI in Malang at 2009, 21-25 July, one year ago...
Tak terkecuali peristiwa hilangnya diriku di tengah-tengah Unibraw alias Universitas Brawijaya yang gedhenya ampir 3x gedhenya Polines.
Especially when i lost. Ohhh... not good enough. I lost in the big Brawijaya University. Jiaaah... it area three times bigger than my campus, Politeknik Negeri Semarang
Especially when i lost. Ohhh... not good enough. I lost in the big Brawijaya University. Jiaaah... it area three times bigger than my campus, Politeknik Negeri Semarang
Jadi, itu bukan kesalahanku yang berpenyakit "buta arah" ini...
So, that wasn't my fault of course. Because i am really a "blind direction" girl.
So, that wasn't my fault of course. Because i am really a "blind direction" girl.
Malangnya kita cuma bisa ambil gambar pas malam-malam aja, siangnya sok-sokan sibuk presentasi dan jaga stan.
Unfortunately, my friend and me could take the picture in the night only, coz we should spent all of the daytime to making presentation and booth.
Unfortunately, my friend and me could take the picture in the night only, coz we should spent all of the daytime to making presentation and booth.
Inilah foto-foto kagak penting PIMNAS 2009 versi Chen.
There all of the PIMNAS "UNIMPORTANT" picture, taken by Shinpo and me.
Hehe... bukan PIMNAS ding, tapi jalan-jalane yang tak sorotin....
Hehe... Wait! It's not about PIMNAS, just about our activity to spent the sparetime.
Hehe... Wait! It's not about PIMNAS, just about our activity to spent the sparetime.
Enjoy it!
UB... I'm in Love... =p
The Lost Child
UB in the night... =)
Shinpo is a magician??? >D
Presentation in B class of PKM-K (entrepreneurship program)
With Raras from Gadjah Mada University.
Katulistiwa Brownies home industry =P Delicious!!!
Lira and Rizky from Politeknik Negeri Payakumbuh =)
Tanobi group from Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)... =D
PiMaPi (Pin aroMa teraPi) members in action!
Making pin with therapy aroma
Try our product, Sir...=p (bribery time...hahaha...>D)
"Take a rest" time.... (^^)b Good job, friends!
Students tasted our product too... OXY biscuit...hmmm... nyummi!
Stop Poisoning Our Environment! =D
Thanks Mr. Security....
Tyo, one of L.O who help us a lot. Thanks, Tyo...
Closing Ceremony
Gamelan... Java culture... =)
Traditional Dance performance.
Babe Restaurant and my bad table manner. Haha.
Enjoy it!
Katulistiwa Brownies home industry =P Delicious!!!
Making pin with therapy aroma
kuwi kartu namane omah godhong tak buat banner diblog ku..biar ntar yg buka blogku tahu tentang omah godhong...piye tow kowe ki...rak pandai marketing di dunia maya...hahaha
ReplyDeleteblogmu kuwi yo dipasang kartu namamu omah goshong...ben podo tahu....
ReplyDeleteInggih, mbak....