Cuman sekedar iseng buat nulis "Lateral thinking".
Just wanna write this topic for fun.
Kenapa? Coz kemaren aku dapet tugas ini bareng si Nonie . Biasa, makul kewirausahaan alias KWU!
Why? Coz yesterday I got this assignment with the Nonie. Hmm... for entrepreneurship object aka KWU!
Berpikir lateral itu lawannya temen kita yang bernama berpikir vertikal.
Lateral thinking is that opponents of our friends called Vertical Thinking.
Disini aku mau bahasnya kagak mau seruwet presentasiku yang lumayan kacau.
Here I'd discussed it does not want as difficult as my chaotic presentation.
Kacau tapi alhamdulillah berjalan lancar.
Chaotic but alhamdulillah running smoothly.
Rame deh... pas anak-anak suruh bikin ide ndiriin usaha aja bikin ngekek-ngekek.
So fun ... when my friends (in groups) made pre-business plan, there was so funny.
Ada demo organizer( mengorganisir orang-orang yang mau demo lho! Gilaaa benerrr...)
There was a demo organizer (organizing the people who want to d make demonstration! How crazy...).
Ada KD alias Kucingan Katering. Hahaha... tau nian kalo mahasiswa miskin bertebaran dimana-mana.
There was KD aka Kucingan Catering. Hahaha ... they knew if poor students were scattered everywhere.
Terakhir ada yang buat perawatan hewan gitu, parahnya mahal tenan. Fasilitas menjijikkan. Masa ada garansi segala senilai 300 juta. Hahaha...
Finally there is a treatment for animals too, the cost for it was really expensive . Facilities disgusting, right? There are 300 million guarantee. Hahaha ...Salut deh... smua kreatif.
Cool... very creative, guyz!
Hehe... balik lagi ke berpikir lateral.
Hehe... back to the Lateral Thinking, Ok?!
Menurutku sih, berpikir lateral emang bagus banget. Kreatif gitu lho. Gak usah pake teori muluk2 deh.
In my little think, Lateral thinking is great for us. It's really creative. Dun start for using difficult teory, Ok?
Contohnya gampang aja.
This is the easy sample...
Misal ada seorang anak kelas 2 SD dikasih sapu lidi.
Suppose there is a second grade elementary school children be given a broom stick.
Kalo dia adalah anak berpikir umum alias vertikal. Pasti sapu lidi akan digunakan untuk bersihin lantai, bersihin langit-langit, dan bersihin sebagainya.
If he use vertical thinking .Stick broom must be used for cleaning floor, ceiling , and others.
Gak salah sih.
There is no wrong with that.
Tapi coba kita lihat, jika dia memakai lidi itu buat bersihin lantai, ambil lidinya untuk mengambil kertas kuis di dalam botol, dijadiin batang buat bikin bunga-bungaan ato dibikin rumah buat jangkriknya. Itu baru lateral thingking!
But let's see, if he wore it for cleaning the floor, take the stick to take the paper inside the bottle, use it to stems of flowers or make home made for crickets. That is just lateral thingking!
Dia nggak hanya terpusat pada satu "jenis" fungsi saja. Beda kan sama yang pertama, dia melakukan banyak kegiatan, tapi intinya hanya membersihkan saja.
He not only concentrated on one "type" function. Bede's just the first, he did a lot of activity, but basically just cleaning alone.
Berpikir lateral penting lho, berpikir dari berbagai sudut pandang. Gak hanya untuk hal-hal remeh saja. Bikin bisnis pun bagus kok pakai metode ini.
It is important for try lateral thinking, thinking from different perspectives. Not only for trivial things, but also to make a good business we can use this method too.
Contoh sama cara latihan sowan aja ya ke mbah Google... jamin deh... lebih bermutu dan lumayan buat ngerefresh otak. For Examples and exercise, visit Google is good choice ... I guarantee ... better quality and quite to refresh your brain.
Intinya, aku cuman dukung lateral thinking. Biar kayak Ranchoo-nya 3 Idiots!
In essence, I support for lateral thinking.The one I think who did it is.... Ranchoo from 3 Idiots!
Hehehe ...