Hmm… I think it’s not important. But important. Maybe it’s not important enough. But important enough.
Akhir-akhir ini aku lumayan uring-uringan. Ku pengin beli hp baru, SE K660i. Kenapa?
Karena kupikir :
Several days, I am really dizzy enough. I wanna buy a new mobile phone, Sony Ericson K660i. Why?
Coz I think:
1. Hp ku yang sekarang, NOKIA tipe lawas—ku lupa tipenya— udah sering error kalo buat transaksi jual pulsa—heehee, ku sekarang bisnis jual pulsa kan?
1. My mobile phone, the old-NOKIA—I forgot its type—often error when it has used to selling voucher—heehee, I am a reseller now, right?
2. Karena ku belum punya softcase ato tas laptop, ku jadi malas bawa-bawa si CHEN buat WiFi-nan ke kampus, berat…rat…rat… dan tentunya ku takut kalo tar kenapa-kenapa ma dia, coz pake tas dari vendornya aja sering tak tabrakin kesana-sini.
2. Coz I have not a softcase or laptop bag, I am really lazy to bring CHEN to connecting internet with Wi-Fi in my campus. It’s really heavy enough. Of course, I am worry if it’s in danger, coz when I pick it; I make it more in danger.
3. Karena K660i warnanya ijo!
3. Coz it’s green!!!
4. Penting gak sih alasan-alasan di atas? ‘_’?
4. Do you think that reasons are important things? ‘_’?
5. Mungkin enggak penting sih… ya kan?
5. Maybe it’s not important, is it?
I really wanna buy that mobile phone. I save my money from part time and make target mapping! Huuuh! In the point of the view, next year I will have that thing! I will have to buy! I’ll be a
‘Economical’ person in the world, I’ll do anything!—is it very important to me to have a SE K660i?
Tapi, kemarin tiba-tiba ku mengubah pola pikirku. Kenapa? Karena ku menemukan kejadian simpel sore itu.
But, yesterday I changed my mindset. Why? Coz I found a simple event in that afternoon.
Kemarin ku pergi ke tempat Ume, temenku. Dia lagi sakit. Kasian banget.
Yesterday, I visited my friend, Ume. She has been sick. How’s pity she is.
Tiba-tiba percakapan sampe pada kakak kelas yang lagi nikah. Ku sebelll… kok gak dapet undangan? Tapi engga apa-apa deh, karena undangannya buat satu kos. Meski ku bukan anak kos situ sih.
Immediately, we talked about our friend who gets married. I hate it… why I didn’t get the letter?
It’s OK, coz the letter for all of student in boarding house. I’m not one of them.
Kita jadinya liat-liat foto di hp temenku itu.
So, we just look photos in her mobile phone.
“Lho, Mee? Kok gak bisa balik ya?”
“Mee? It’s can not back to the menu?”
“Ah, mu salah pencet keypadnya sih.”
“Ah… you pick the wrong keypad.”
“Wah… punyamu dah harus ganti nih. Udah pada gak keliatan sama sekali hurufnya. Gimana nek ngetik SMS?”
“Ooh… your keypad must be changed. It’s erased; I can not see the letters. What do you do to send SMS?”
“Haha… masih bisa kok. Kan aku masih hafal.”
“Haha… it can do. I still remember.”
“Beli baru gih…"
“I think buy the new is right.”
“Nggak usah, masih bisa dipakai kok.”
“I think it’s enough, it’s still can be used.”
Betapa sederhana?!!!
Kalo masih bisa dipakai, kenapa harus beli baru?
Uang kita bahkan mungkin masih bisa digunakan untuk hal yang lebih penting lainnya.Toh, hp ku yang sekarang juga udah berkurang errornya.
What a very simple think it is!
If it’s still can used, why we must buy the new ones?
Our money maybe can be used to the other important things. Exactly, the errors in my mobile phone are decrease.
Thanks yo Mee…
Thanks, Mee..
Andai semua orang berpikir seperti itu, pasti tidak akan ada barang masih layak pakai tersia-siakan.
Hope everyone think the same, I think there isn’t good goods in bad baggage.
Dan ku ingin jadi salah satu orang itu sekarang.
And I wanna be the right one.
haha...ni aq juga masih mau ma HP ku yang jadul...
ReplyDeleteyang fiturnya biasa aja...
walaupun ada yang HP yang lebih bagus fiturnya saya kana tetap setia dengan HP pertama saya ini...
Hahaha... ini terjadi taun 2008 silam,,,
ReplyDeleteaku jg masi setia ma hpku...
tp pd akhirnya pd awal 2010 hp ku dicuri orang...
Dpt 'lungsuran'...
Udah ga pa2....
ReplyDeleteitu kan kejadian di luar kontrol....
ikhlasin pasti dapet yg lebih baik...
hemm aq dah bilang ikhlas berapa kali dari kemaren...
kyknya dah banyak banget...
ReplyDeleteya kudhu ikhlas...
lha wong kabeh milik Sang Maha Memberi
Ntar kalo dah punya duit ndiri baru beli baru aja..
ReplyDeletehehe ;)
ReplyDeleteNeg prinsipku c, durung rusak gak usah ganti
Bagus bagus pertahankan itu...
ReplyDeletewah masi ada juga orang yg berprinsip sepeti itu...
padahal byk yg punya HP dobel...bahkan triple....