Inget gak ma logo di atas?
Do you still remember this logo,don't u?
Ya iya lah...
I think so...
Hehe... tenang... tenang... jangan ngerutin muka dulu,
Hehe... Calm down... Calm down, guys... Don't be stress first, OK?
Kita gak bakal bahas tentang sejarah atawa mengkomputerisasikan UKM-UKM apalagi analisis laporan keuangan kota Solo kok...
We don't explain about the city's history, make a computerizing program for business people or create a financial reporting analysis of course...
Kali ini aku hanya pengin nampilin beberapa gambar jalan-jalanku ke kota ini kok
I'll posting pictures about my traveling
Hehe... gak bisa dibilang jalan-jalan juga sie...
Hehe... Not a traveling at all...
Kebetulan kita (aku ma si Dia) meh ngikutin bedah buku "VONIS KAFIR" di UNS..
It happened that my friend an Me got a plan to visit a book review of "KAFIR Verdict" at State University of Surakarta...
Yap, sabtu tanggal 05 Juni 2010.
Yup, on Saturday of 5th June 2010.
Skalian silaturahim sama temen-temen di Solo...
Of course for visiting my friends in Solo too...
Bismillah... luruskan niat...
In the name of ALLOH... I'll do that...
Karena dasarnya emang aku lumayan suka njepret, yah... kujepret-jepret juga deh sana sini...
Coz of I like to take picture, yeah... Finally, I did my hobby after all...
Hasilnya lumayan kacau, habise... ambilnya pas jalan terus sih...
The result is this bad stuffs... coz I take this when I were in bus or motorcycle...
Beautifully morning from the bus...
I think it's one of radio station. Do you think so?
One event in Senior High School in Solo.
I found a unique thing. In Solo, there are a lot of "Merge Place" between two buildings of Senior High School !
Welcome to UNS !
Really a monument...
Building of engineering...
One of restaurant in the city.
Back to Semarang in rainy day...