Hahaha... ini crita konyol hari ini. Aku sama temenku si Mithu.
Hahaha... This is silly story for today. My friend, Mithu and Me.
Tau Magnum seeker? Yup, ini adalah istilah yang diberikan oleh pengelola akun MyMagnumID, akun resmi produk es krim Magnum di Facebook dan Twitter, kepada para konsumennya. Lhah... pada kenyataannya, beberapa temenku juga termasuk orang-orang ini. Dan kurasa mereka lumayan gencar lah.
Do you know Magnum seeker? Yup, this is a name that given by MyMagnumID, official site of Magnum ice cream in Facebook and Twitter for their customer. Unfortunately, there are a lot of my friends too. I think they are really work hard enough to get it.
Haha... itu udah lama juga sih waktu dulu pertama peluncuran es krim keluaran Wall's ini. Dan gak tau kenapa dengan bodohnya kemarin aku menjadi salah satunya. Biasanya aku cuma ketawa geli liat perburuan yang dilakuin temen-temenku. =P
Haha ... It's also a long time already after the first launch. And i do not know whyyesterday I foolishly became one of them. Usually I just laugh when look my friend's hunting . =p
Tadi pas pulang dari kampus kan mood kita berdua lagi jelek tuh, ya udah kita ngeloyor ke kos Mithu sambil ngobrol ngalor ngidul kagak jelas. Pas kita lagi ngomong-ngomong, eh lewat deh tuh mmobil penyetor es krim ke arah toko Rahmat. Kami bertatapan dan berlari mengejarnya. Gilaaa... kalian anak kuliahan euy! Hahaha...
When we end the class, we both still in our bad mood , we've walking to Mithu's boarding house. We talk a lot. Suddenly, Wall's ice cream car pass in front of us and look like it will go to Rahmat shop. We stare at each other and ran after the car. Stupidly... you are college students! Hahaha ...
Kenapa mpek segitu gencarnya?
Di banyak toko, stok es krim Magnum habis. Bahkan, ada minimarket yang sampai menuliskan “Stok Magnum Kosong” karena banyaknya orang yang mencari es krim ini. Istilahnya, pas kita liat di toko ada, kita tinggal buat ambil duit sebentar langsung abis lah.
Why mpek much for the onslaught?
In many stores, Magnum ice cream stock runs out. In fact, there is to write "Magnum stock out" because many people looking for ice cream. It can say, we see in store, we left for the moment take the money in home, and when we back to the store : the ICE CREAM was GONE.
Denger-denger sih, itu terjadi karena strategi pemasaran Wall’s untuk mempromosikan salah satu produknya itu. Di samping Magnum pun sangat rajin diiklankan. Pihak Wall’s mengakui kelangkaan ini sedikit banyak terjadi karena strategi pemasaran mereka. Senior Brand Manager Wall’s Magnum PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk Meila Putri Handayani menjelaskan, pihaknya menerapkan strategi paralel. Biasanya, sebelum mulai mengiklankan suatu produk baru, produsen akan menyiapkan dan mendistribusikan produk lebih dulu. Setelah itu, baru si produsen beriklan.
There is a rumor, it's happened because Wall's marketing strategy to promote Magnum products . In addition to the Magnum was very diligent advertised. Wall's recognize thisshortage to some extent due to their marketing strategy. Senior Brand Manager Wall's Magnum PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk, Meila Princess Handayani explained, the instituteimplemented a parallel strategy. Normally, before starting to advertise a new product,producers will prepare and distribute the product first. After that, just themanufacturers advertise.
Tapi, Wall’s justru gencar beriklan sejak awal, meski stok barang belum siap. Meila menjelaskan, hal ini dilakukan lantaran Wall’s ingin menjajal pasar dulu. Maklum, seiring peluncuran varian baru tadi, Magnum juga melakukan rebranding pada produknya menjadi es krim premium dengan harga sekitar 10 ribu rupiah.
However, Wall's precisely vigorous advertising since the beginning, though stocks of goods not ready. Meila explained, this was done because Wall's wanted to try out the market first. Understandably, as the earlier launch of a new variant, Magnum also rebranding its products to ice cream at a price premium of about IDR 10.OOO.
Pas sampai di Rahmat kan masnya lagi nurunin es-es mereka. Hohoho... langsung deh kita tanya ke mbaknya Rahmat. Mithu kemarin udah tanya-tanya--dan mungkin mbaknya juga ngerasa nggak enak. Akhirnya mbolehin kita beli es itu. Pas itu digodain sih sama mas-masnya, mereka bilang esnya udah abis. Huuh... hahaha...
We entered Rahmat shop when the Wall's mans submitted the shop . Hohoho ... immediately, we asked to Rahmat's shopkeeper. Because of Mithu yesterday have asked-- and perhaps the shopkeeper also felt unpolite to refuse--, finally the shopkeeper allowed us to get the ice cream. And the Wall's mans just made joking at us too, said that the ice creams are stock out. Huuh ... hahaha ...
Getting home, I show it to my friend Ambarr who played to his girlfriend's boarding house, a boarding house next to Mithu's boarding house. Well ... Mithu persuade me. Ambar just laugh at me and show off the back if he ever ate. He said it was normal ice cream and it will better to bought ice cream with the price of IDR 2.000, we can get a lot. Mithu even laugh. Hiiih .... recentful, I went directly to Mithu's boarding house and swore, "As the ice cream is fixed not good, it must be because of your suggestion, kiddo!"
When we ate the ice cream. Um ... I think it's still good taste for the premium ice cream. We got Magnum Classic. Form of ice cream like this:
Hahaha... This is silly story for today. My friend, Mithu and Me.
Tau Magnum seeker? Yup, ini adalah istilah yang diberikan oleh pengelola akun MyMagnumID, akun resmi produk es krim Magnum di Facebook dan Twitter, kepada para konsumennya. Lhah... pada kenyataannya, beberapa temenku juga termasuk orang-orang ini. Dan kurasa mereka lumayan gencar lah.
Do you know Magnum seeker? Yup, this is a name that given by MyMagnumID, official site of Magnum ice cream in Facebook and Twitter for their customer. Unfortunately, there are a lot of my friends too. I think they are really work hard enough to get it.
Haha... itu udah lama juga sih waktu dulu pertama peluncuran es krim keluaran Wall's ini. Dan gak tau kenapa dengan bodohnya kemarin aku menjadi salah satunya. Biasanya aku cuma ketawa geli liat perburuan yang dilakuin temen-temenku. =P
Haha ... It's also a long time already after the first launch. And i do not know whyyesterday I foolishly became one of them. Usually I just laugh when look my friend's hunting . =p
Tadi pas pulang dari kampus kan mood kita berdua lagi jelek tuh, ya udah kita ngeloyor ke kos Mithu sambil ngobrol ngalor ngidul kagak jelas. Pas kita lagi ngomong-ngomong, eh lewat deh tuh mmobil penyetor es krim ke arah toko Rahmat. Kami bertatapan dan berlari mengejarnya. Gilaaa... kalian anak kuliahan euy! Hahaha...
When we end the class, we both still in our bad mood , we've walking to Mithu's boarding house. We talk a lot. Suddenly, Wall's ice cream car pass in front of us and look like it will go to Rahmat shop. We stare at each other and ran after the car. Stupidly... you are college students! Hahaha ...
Kenapa mpek segitu gencarnya?
Di banyak toko, stok es krim Magnum habis. Bahkan, ada minimarket yang sampai menuliskan “Stok Magnum Kosong” karena banyaknya orang yang mencari es krim ini. Istilahnya, pas kita liat di toko ada, kita tinggal buat ambil duit sebentar langsung abis lah.
Why mpek much for the onslaught?
In many stores, Magnum ice cream stock runs out. In fact, there is to write "Magnum stock out" because many people looking for ice cream. It can say, we see in store, we left for the moment take the money in home, and when we back to the store : the ICE CREAM was GONE.
Denger-denger sih, itu terjadi karena strategi pemasaran Wall’s untuk mempromosikan salah satu produknya itu. Di samping Magnum pun sangat rajin diiklankan. Pihak Wall’s mengakui kelangkaan ini sedikit banyak terjadi karena strategi pemasaran mereka. Senior Brand Manager Wall’s Magnum PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk Meila Putri Handayani menjelaskan, pihaknya menerapkan strategi paralel. Biasanya, sebelum mulai mengiklankan suatu produk baru, produsen akan menyiapkan dan mendistribusikan produk lebih dulu. Setelah itu, baru si produsen beriklan.
There is a rumor, it's happened because Wall's marketing strategy to promote Magnum products . In addition to the Magnum was very diligent advertised. Wall's recognize thisshortage to some extent due to their marketing strategy. Senior Brand Manager Wall's Magnum PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk, Meila Princess Handayani explained, the instituteimplemented a parallel strategy. Normally, before starting to advertise a new product,producers will prepare and distribute the product first. After that, just themanufacturers advertise.
Tapi, Wall’s justru gencar beriklan sejak awal, meski stok barang belum siap. Meila menjelaskan, hal ini dilakukan lantaran Wall’s ingin menjajal pasar dulu. Maklum, seiring peluncuran varian baru tadi, Magnum juga melakukan rebranding pada produknya menjadi es krim premium dengan harga sekitar 10 ribu rupiah.
However, Wall's precisely vigorous advertising since the beginning, though stocks of goods not ready. Meila explained, this was done because Wall's wanted to try out the market first. Understandably, as the earlier launch of a new variant, Magnum also rebranding its products to ice cream at a price premium of about IDR 10.OOO.
Pas sampai di Rahmat kan masnya lagi nurunin es-es mereka. Hohoho... langsung deh kita tanya ke mbaknya Rahmat. Mithu kemarin udah tanya-tanya--dan mungkin mbaknya juga ngerasa nggak enak. Akhirnya mbolehin kita beli es itu. Pas itu digodain sih sama mas-masnya, mereka bilang esnya udah abis. Huuh... hahaha...
We entered Rahmat shop when the Wall's mans submitted the shop . Hohoho ... immediately, we asked to Rahmat's shopkeeper. Because of Mithu yesterday have asked-- and perhaps the shopkeeper also felt unpolite to refuse--, finally the shopkeeper allowed us to get the ice cream. And the Wall's mans just made joking at us too, said that the ice creams are stock out. Huuh ... hahaha ...
Pulang dapet es, aku pamer sama temenku si Ambar yang lagi main ke kos pacarnya yang kebetulan di sebelah kos Mithu. Yah... abis dipropaganda sama si Mithu sih. Ambarnya malah ngehina dan pamer balik kalo dia pernah makan. Bilang rasanya biasa aja dan mending dibeliin eskrim dengan harga 2 ribu rupiah bisa dapet banyak. Mithu malah ketawa-tawa. Hiiih....Sebel, aku langsung ngacir ke kos Mithu dan mengumpat, "Sampai es krimnya kerasa gak enak, musti itu gara-gara sugestimu ke aku Mbar!"
Pas kita makan tuh es krim. Ehm... menurutku lumayan sih rasanya. Secara, es krim premium gitu. Kita dapetnya Magnum Classic. Bentuk es krimnya kayak gini :Getting home, I show it to my friend Ambarr who played to his girlfriend's boarding house, a boarding house next to Mithu's boarding house. Well ... Mithu persuade me. Ambar just laugh at me and show off the back if he ever ate. He said it was normal ice cream and it will better to bought ice cream with the price of IDR 2.000, we can get a lot. Mithu even laugh. Hiiih .... recentful, I went directly to Mithu's boarding house and swore, "As the ice cream is fixed not good, it must be because of your suggestion, kiddo!"
When we ate the ice cream. Um ... I think it's still good taste for the premium ice cream. We got Magnum Classic. Form of ice cream like this:
Magnum memang makin dicari sejak Wall’s meluncurkan varian baru es krim ini beberapa waktu lalu, yakni Wall’s Magnum Chocolate Truffle. Jadi, kini ada tiga varian es krim Magnum yang beredar di pasar Indonesia. Selain Magnum Chocolate Truffle, ada juga Magnum Classic dan Magnum Almond. Iklannya sih keren bilangnya pake coklat Belgia. Tapi sebenarnya teknik pembuatannya itulah yang menggunakan teknik Belgia. Dan kurasa rasanya lumayan sih. Enak, lembut dan hmmm... kerasa banget.
Magnum is increasingly sought after Wall's ice cream launched a new variant of this some time ago, the Wall's Magnum Chocolate Truffle. So, now there are three variants of Magnum ice cream in the market of Indonesia. Magnum Chocolate Truffle addition, there is also a Magnum Classic and Magnum Almond. I can told you in the ads use Belgian chocolate. But the truth is that the manufacturing technique that uses a technique Belgium. And I think it's pretty taste. Delicious, soft and hmmm ... really good.
Ini stiknya... =)
This is the Magnum stick... =)
I want it too.....
ReplyDeletebut too expensive!!!
U re right, Achito
Hoho... just save 2 days lunch money to take it,,
But "how to get it" is the worst,,