Friday, 2 July 2010

Solo Shine >>> Solo Berseri


Inget gak ma logo di atas?
Do you still remember this logo,don't u?


Ya iya lah...
I think so...

Hehe... tenang... tenang... jangan ngerutin muka dulu,
Hehe... Calm down... Calm down, guys... Don't be stress first, OK?

Kita gak bakal bahas tentang sejarah atawa mengkomputerisasikan UKM-UKM apalagi analisis laporan keuangan kota Solo kok...
We don't explain about the city's history, make a computerizing program for business people or create a financial reporting analysis of course...

Kali ini aku hanya pengin nampilin beberapa gambar jalan-jalanku ke kota ini kok
I'll posting pictures about my traveling
Hehe... gak bisa dibilang jalan-jalan juga sie...
Hehe... Not a traveling at all...

Kebetulan kita (aku ma si Dia) meh ngikutin bedah buku "VONIS KAFIR" di UNS..
It happened that my friend an Me got a plan to visit a book review of "KAFIR Verdict" at State University of Surakarta...

Yap, sabtu tanggal 05 Juni 2010.
Yup, on Saturday of 5th June 2010.


Skalian silaturahim sama temen-temen di Solo...
Of course for visiting my friends in Solo too...

Bismillah... luruskan niat...
In the name of ALLOH... I'll do that...

Karena dasarnya emang aku lumayan suka njepret, yah... kujepret-jepret juga deh sana sini...
Coz of I like to take picture, yeah... Finally, I did my hobby after all...

Hasilnya lumayan kacau, habise... ambilnya pas jalan terus sih...
The result is this bad stuffs... coz I take this when I were in bus or motorcycle...

At 05.15 : Let's go!

Beautifully morning from the bus...

I think it's one of radio station. Do you think so?

One event in Senior High School in Solo.

I found a unique thing. In Solo, there are a lot of "Merge Place" between two buildings of Senior High School !

Welcome to UNS !

Really a monument...

Hmmm... so fresh!

One of "Welcome" building.

Building of engineering...

The book review was start!

Bubyee... UNS!

One of restaurant in the city.

SOLO Square, one of mall I can take the pic

The monument of PRESS

Back to Semarang in rainy day...


Monday, 28 June 2010

When Hurt was Beautiful >>> Ketika Sakit Itu Indah...


Ah, jangan nangis deh!
Don’t cry, OK!


Aku abis patah ati nih. Ah, nggak masalah, biasa-biasa aja kok. Abis nangis, kelar deh!
I was broken heart, did u know? Ah, no problem. It’s an ordinary thing. After you cried, everything will be allright.


Bener-bener bodoh banget sih. Padahal kemarin baru aja sok-sokan nasehatin temenku. Eh, sekarang kena ndiri deh gatahnya!
What a stupid person I am! Yesterday, I told a good word for my friend who was broken heart too. But, what can I tell now? Huh, I get it!

Oke! Ayo berubah!

Kau tak akan dapet apa-apa saat kau bilang “Aku sedih…” sambil terisak-isak. Boleh-boleh aja sih nangis benter buat bilang ke dirimu bahwa kamu sakit. Setuju aja saat kau ngabisin sekardus coklat didepan TV sambil meluk teddy bear kesayanganmu—hehe… ini sih pemborosan!
You never get anything when you say “I’m in a deep sadness” and cry loudly. Its not matter for you to cry in a time and tell yourself that you’re hurt. You can eat a box of chocolate and get a hug for your teddy bears on front your television—Hehe… I think its’ a bad choice to do.

Baiklah, aku nggak akan komentar banyak. Sekarang, coba pikirin aja, banyak hal yang bisa kita lakuin. Ingat, seorang yang smart gak akan ngabisin sisa hidupnya hanya untuk bersedih, kecuali sedih merenungi dosa. Uh, emang nggak mudah sih. Tapi apa kamu mau tiap hari hanya berkeluh kesah ga jelas!
Alright, I don’t give many comments. Now, try to think smarter, much thing you can do. Remember, a smart people never spend their time just to make their self in sadness, except to think about their sins. Uh, I think it’s not easy. But, do you want to be a bad person along of the day?

Mari menatap hal yang indah didepan kita. ALLOH Swt tak akan ngubah nasibmu kalo kamu nggak berusaha ngelakuin perubahan pada dirimu sendiri. Lihatlah, betapa Dia menyayangi kita tanpa melihat segunung dosa yang udah kita lakuin.
Lets’ see our beautiful future. ALLOH SWT never change your life if you didn’t try to change it. Look, how ALLOH SWT loves us without see a lot of our sins.

Hanya itu….
Just that’s I can say…

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Hidden Document : No No No !!! >>> Dokumenku ilang : Enggak!!!

Ini kutulis waktu pertama masuk kul
This post I wrote when I enter the university...

Ini bener-bener gak penting!
It’s really not important thing!

Pas ada acara penyambutan mahasiswa baru jurusan, laptopku, si CHEN, dipake sama anak departemen PSDM(Pengembangan SDM) alias litbang. Disitu banyak foto-fotoku yang belum ku edit tapi masih dalam satu folder. Daripada ada tangan-tangan yang gak sengaja buka. Ku langsung lakukan hal dibawah ini:
When there was held a party to giving “welcome” for new student in our Accounting Department, my laptop, CHEN, it would be used by Human Resource Development to make presentation. There was a lot of my picture which is not edit in one folder. I didn’t want someone open it. So, I did this task:

1. Buka folder
2. Klik kanan, pilih properties
3. Pada attributes dalam general, pilih hidden
4. Trus ada pertanyaan confirm attribute changes, ku pilih buat yang folder doang, tapi kemudian ku hidden sampai sub folder dan file-file.
5. Ku bangga karena telah menyembunyikan semua fileku di folder favoritku—termasuk bahan blog!
6. Hahaha…
1. Open folder
2. Click on right, choose properties
3. At Attributes in General, choose hidden
4. After that, there is a question to Confirm attribute changes. First, I just choose for folder. In the next time, I make all in the hidden format, until the sub folder and files.
5. I am in pride coz I hide my entire favorite folder—especially article for my blog! Exciting!!
6. Hahaha….

Tapi besoknya pas ku butuh buat upload bahan blog….Oh… engga…..!!!! semua ilang bareng foldernya! Padahal awalnya kukira bisa kayak folder program files di direktori C!!!! BETAPA BODOHNYA AKU!!!
Udah mutung, akhirnya ku gak posting beberapa bulan!
Huhuhu….. uuu…. Uuuh!!!!
But, the next day! When I needed the article to upload…. Oh… No!!! All of files missed with the folder. I think that it would be program files folder in directory C!!!! WHAT A STUPID MAN I AM!!!
I were in frustration, in the end I never posted until several months!
Huhuhu….. uuu…. Uuuh!!!!

Tapi, suatu hari ku dapat ini nih.
Cara buka hidden dokumen melalui command prompt menurut pak Ridwan Sanjaya:
But one day, I got something.
A tutorial how to open hidden documents with command prompt by Mr. Ridwan Sanjaya:

1. Pilih menu start
2. Klik menu run
3. Tulis cmd n tekan tombol OK
4. Pindah folder penyimpanan dokumen, misal cd/dokumen untuk dpindah ke folder dokumen
5. Ketik attrib –s –h –r*.*
6. Enter
7. Buka di windows eksplorer
1. Choose start in Menu
2. Click menu run
3. Write cmd & press OK
4. Change the folder you use to save your documents, ex. VCD or documents to move to other folder
5. Write attrib -s -h -r*.*
6. Press Enter
7. Open in Windows Explorer

Tak coba deh tuh cara command.
I try it.

Pas udah mau ketik direktori, ku pusing—karena pada dasarnya ku tak punya dasar ilmu command.
When I write the directory, I was so dizzy-- basically, I am not good enough in command.

Waktu makul program C++ ku gak sampai situ.
When I got C++ object, I think we didn't study that.

Dan kupikir kalo ku gegabah, bakal kacau neg tar ada virus. Antiviruz ku gi gak aktif!!!
And my anti virus was not update.

Akhirnya ku pasrah saja, dan kembali mutung.
Finally, I gave up...

Dan suatu hari di kelas….
And one day in class...

Temenku si Noni dari PCC lakukan hal dibawah ini :
My friend, Noni who is a member of Polytechnic Computer Club did this :

1. Buka Windows Explorer
2. Pilih menu Tools
3. Pilih Folder Option
4. Pilih option View
5. Pada Advanced Setting, pilih Show hidden files and folders di Hidden Files and Folder
6. Taraaaaa!!!!! MUNCUL LAGI!!!
1. Open Windows Explorer
2. Choose Menu Tools
3. Choose Folder Option
4. Choose option View
5. On Advanced Setting, Choose Show hidden files and folders in Hidden Files and Folder
6. Taraaaahhh!!!! IT'S APPEAR AGAIN!

Dia langsung nyelethuk, “Mu itu gimana tho Chen? Itu kan pelajaran dasar computer?”
And she said, "Whadda u think, Chen? It's really a basic, right?"

Ku lupa!!!!
I forgot!!!!

Bener banget, tu pelajaran dasar sedasar-dasarnya. Gimana ku bisa lupa?
That's right! That is a basic material! And I forgot it?!

Detik itu ku langsung merasa jadi manusia paling bodoh yang pernah ada!!!
Haaahh.... I think I'm really the most stupid girl in the world!

How stupid girl I am!

Mu pernah kayak gitu? Tenang aja, kupikir wajar kok—karena dia telah menjadi salah satunya.
Do you ever fell like this? Calm down. I think it's fair enough

Menjadi bodoh itu biasa, karena kadang ada enaknya jadi sedikit kurang pintar diantara orang-orang pintar.
Be a dummy person is ordinary thing, coz sometimes there is a fun to be a stupid person in the clever circle.

Karena membuat mereka merasa lebih pintar itu berarti mungkin telah memberi mereka kebahagiaan. Mungkin sih… =p
Coz u make others fell smarter than before, maybe u gave them a little of happiness. Maybe... =P

Hahaha… kayaknya ini bukan prinsip bagus deh. Dan memang sama sekali gak bagus.
Hahaha.... Maybe itsn't good words. And really not good...

Hahaha….. teang banget….
Hahaha... Really stupid!

Nggak usah dipikirin deh! Sekarang, gimana dengan ceritamu?
Don't main anyway! Now, how about your story?

Image by :

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

When I want, she is not ! >>> Ketika aku ingin, dia tidak!

Hmm… sebenarnya hal ini gak penting sih. Tapi penting. Mungkin enggak penting-penting banget. Tapi lumayan penting.
Hmm… I think it’s not important. But important. Maybe it’s not important enough. But important enough.

Akhir-akhir ini aku lumayan uring-uringan. Ku pengin beli hp baru, SE K660i. Kenapa?
Karena kupikir :
Several days, I am really dizzy enough. I wanna buy a new mobile phone, Sony Ericson K660i. Why?
Coz I think:

1. Hp ku yang sekarang, NOKIA tipe lawas—ku lupa tipenya— udah sering error kalo buat transaksi jual pulsa—heehee, ku sekarang bisnis jual pulsa kan?
1. My mobile phone, the old-NOKIA—I forgot its type—often error when it has used to selling voucher—heehee, I am a reseller now, right?

2. Karena ku belum punya softcase ato tas laptop, ku jadi malas bawa-bawa si CHEN buat WiFi-nan ke kampus, berat…rat…rat… dan tentunya ku takut kalo tar kenapa-kenapa ma dia, coz pake tas dari vendornya aja sering tak tabrakin kesana-sini.
2. Coz I have not a softcase or laptop bag, I am really lazy to bring CHEN to connecting internet with Wi-Fi in my campus. It’s really heavy enough. Of course, I am worry if it’s in danger, coz when I pick it; I make it more in danger.

3. Karena K660i warnanya ijo!
3. Coz it’s green!!!

4. Penting gak sih alasan-alasan di atas? ‘_’?
4. Do you think that reasons are important things? ‘_’?

5. Mungkin enggak penting sih… ya kan?
5. Maybe it’s not important, is it?

Ku bener-bener pengin banget tuh hp. Ku belain nabung dan buat peta target! Huuuh! Pokoknya tahun depan aku bisa beli deh! Pokoknya beli! Mau berhemat kayak apa, ku mau deh!—segitu penting kah sebuah SE K660i bagiku?
I really wanna buy that mobile phone. I save my money from part time and make target mapping! Huuuh! In the point of the view, next year I will have that thing! I will have to buy! I’ll be a
‘Economical’ person in the world, I’ll do anything!—is it very important to me to have a SE K660i?

Tapi, kemarin tiba-tiba ku mengubah pola pikirku. Kenapa? Karena ku menemukan kejadian simpel sore itu.
But, yesterday I changed my mindset. Why? Coz I found a simple event in that afternoon.

Kemarin ku pergi ke tempat Ume, temenku. Dia lagi sakit. Kasian banget.
Yesterday, I visited my friend, Ume. She has been sick. How’s pity she is.

Tiba-tiba percakapan sampe pada kakak kelas yang lagi nikah. Ku sebelll… kok gak dapet undangan? Tapi engga apa-apa deh, karena undangannya buat satu kos. Meski ku bukan anak kos situ sih.
Immediately, we talked about our friend who gets married. I hate it… why I didn’t get the letter?
It’s OK, coz the letter for all of student in boarding house. I’m not one of them.

Kita jadinya liat-liat foto di hp temenku itu.
So, we just look photos in her mobile phone.

“Lho, Mee? Kok gak bisa balik ya?”
“Mee? It’s can not back to the menu?”

“Ah, mu salah pencet keypadnya sih.
“Ah… you pick the wrong keypad.”

“Wah… punyamu dah harus ganti nih. Udah pada gak keliatan sama sekali hurufnya. Gimana nek ngetik SMS?”
“Ooh… your keypad must be changed. It’s erased; I can not see the letters. What do you do to send SMS?”

“Haha… masih bisa kok. Kan aku masih hafal.”
“Haha… it can do. I still remember.”

“Beli baru gih…"
“I think buy the new is right.”

“Nggak usah, masih bisa dipakai kok.”
“I think it’s enough, it’s still can be used.”

Betapa sederhana?!!!
Kalo masih bisa dipakai, kenapa harus beli baru?
Uang kita bahkan mungkin masih bisa digunakan untuk hal yang lebih penting lainnya.Toh, hp ku yang sekarang juga udah berkurang errornya.
What a very simple think it is!
If it’s still can used, why we must buy the new ones?
Our money maybe can be used to the other important things. Exactly, the errors in my mobile phone are decrease.


Thanks yo Mee…
Thanks, Mee..

Andai semua orang berpikir seperti itu, pasti tidak akan ada barang masih layak pakai tersia-siakan.
Hope everyone think the same, I think there isn’t good goods in bad baggage.

Dan ku ingin jadi salah satu orang itu sekarang.
And I wanna be the right one.


The Compensation Man and Me >>>Aku dan Manusia Berkompen

Ini adalah tulisan lamaku, kutulis Agustus 2008. Hehehe...
This is my old posting which is never posted, I wrote in August 2008. Hehehe....

Hehehe… udah lama ga nulis ya? Yup, karena Juli adalah bulan tersibuk di semester dua!
Hehehe … Long time I’m not writing in this blog, am I? Yup, that is because July is the busiest month in 2nd semester.

Kenapa aku ngomong gitu? Singkat aja, mulai tanggal 14 sampai 16 ada ujian akhir semester 2. Hu-uh, hari-hari yang lumayan buruk.
Why I say like that? Of course, from 14rd until 16rd in this month I must pass our last test in semester 2. Hu-uh, what a bad days I think!

Hem… untuk ukuran hari, hari tersibuk adalah Kamis, tanggal 24. Hari itu anak-anak pada ngurus kompen—bayaran bagi mereka yang sering “kehilangan” jam pelajaran. Yah… meh karena telat atau bolos. Anehnya, manusia yang satu ini sering banget telat tapi kalo mau percaya, kompenku nol! Hahaha …taktiknya selalu ada!
Hem… for the busiest day, I think it’s Thursday, 24nd. In that day, my friends must register their compensation—a payment for a person who’s “missed” their lecture. Yeah… maybe coz they come late or escape from class. The strange this is the person who almost come lately, if you choose to believe, my compensation is zero! Hahaha… there is always a tactic to do.

Aku sering banget tengkaran ma temenku karena hal ini.
I often have a thing to dispute with my friends because this ones.

Aku pengin n semoga seumur kuliah gak bakal kesamber kompen. Temen-temenku selalu ribut kalo aku dan “mahasiswa bebas kompen” lainnya gembor-gembor hal ini. Lumayan kan, meski aku tetep ikut masuk kul, minimal ga kut kerja dan bayarlah. Aku sangat “lumayan” menyukai uangku. Prinsipku, “Kalo bisa gratis, kenapa musthi keluar uang?!”—semoga aku gak kena getahnya!
I want and I hope I never get compensation during I’m in University. My friends always noisy when my friends who didn’t get it and I talk about it. It’s reasonable, although I come to campus, I don’t take a work to do and loss my money. I ‘am really “money” lover. My principle is “If there is free, why we must spend our money?!”—I hope I don’t need the recompense!

Sedang temenku berprinsip,”Kuliah kok gak pernah dapet kompen?! Apa yang bakal mbok critain ke anak-anakmu?!”
While my friend’s principle is “You never get compensation in your college, did you?! What is thing will you explain to your Childs?”

Anehnya, pertengkaran itu “selalu” dan “hanya” terjadi pada akhir semester.
But, the subject of debate “always” and “just” happens in the end of semester.

Hahaha… Cuma pertengkaran tidak penting, tapi lumayan juga buat kutulis di blogku.
Hahaha… just an unimportant thing to be a contradiction, but I think its interest to write in this blog.

Dan kau tahu, pada tanggal ini aku sangat terharu. Hari itu aku sibuk banget di Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan. Kulihat temen-temenku yang pada sibuk ngurus kompen. Dan pada tengah hari yang lumayan gerah aku sedikit kaget. Sementara aku sibuk ngurusin perpus HiMA, temen-temenku,”manusia berkompen” justru mengurus semua surat bebas kompenku! Aku sayang ma kalian!
And…do you know? In that day I’m touched. That day I was really busy in HMJ. I saw my friends busy enough to do their compensation. In the mid of the hot day, I was startled. When I did my job in library of HiMA, my “compensation” friends, exactly settle my free compensation letter! I love u all!

Dan serasa ingin kujawab ejekan mereka, “Inilah yang akan aku ceritakan pada anak-anakku. Tentang kalianlah aku akan bernarasi!”
And now I can reply their words, “This is a thing that I’ll explain to my child. About all of you I want to make a beautiful narration!”

A cup of Ginger : A Bad One

Ngaku deh, aku paling kikuk kalo disuruh bikin sesuatu yang bisa dimasukkan mulut ma kakungku...
Believe it, I'm really uncapable to making something-can-be-eaten for my grandpa

Suatu malam, hal itu bener-bener terjadi!
One night, It was happened...

Saat itu, aku lagi bikin PR-PR yang pada numpuk.
I just made my homework after all.

Kakungku bilang, "Na, minum wedhang jahe kelihatannya segar."
My grandpa just said, "Na, get a cup of ginger looks great for this nite"

Haaaah? Aku hanya melongo semelongo-melongonya.
Haaah? I were open-mouthed
Oh, tidakkkk!
Oh, Nooo!

Knapa aku sampai syok banget ngedengerinnya?
Why I am really shock to hear that?

Pertama, Kakungku adalah perasa yang baik, jika rasa masakan yang kau buat kagak terapresiasi olehnya, belaiu bakal bilang waktu itu juga. Atau lebih parahnya, dia nggak akan makan apa yang kau buat.
First, coz my Granpa is really an expert taster, if something he didn't appreciate, he just said at the time. The worst, he never touch what u made.

Kedua, Beneran aku gak pernah bikin wedhang jahe sekalipun, apalah!
Second, I really never make a Cup of ginger, what else!

Aku bingung dan hanya berpikir 3 hal ketika mengambil cangkir.
I just though three things in my mind when I took the cup

Pertama, aku selalu membuat teh-tanpa-rasa sesuai selera kakekku. Jadi, aku harus ngasi sedikit gula juga pada percobaan ini.
First, everyday my granpa always drink a tasteless--needed a little of sugar-- tea. So, I must put little sugar too...

Kedua, aku teringat apa yang selalu dikatakan ibuku saat bikinin minuman buat kakungku, "Kasih dikit garam agar enak!" Dan aku akan melakukannya.
Second. I just remember what my Ma'am said, "Take a little salt to make a great beverage!". And I'll do that.

Ketiga, kutambahkan "mantra2" saat mengaduknya.
Third, I just said a magic words when I stir the drink.

Jiahhh.... Dan aku mendapatkan apa yang ku perkirakan sebelumnya,
Jiahhh.... And I got what I expected.

Ketika aku melanjutkan PR-ku, kakekku bilang, "Kurang manis, jahenya gak kerasa."
When I just take a seat to continue my work, my granpa said " It's too unsweety, need more ginger."

Ha-ha-ha! Bagus!
Ha-ha-ha! It's really Great!

Dengan wajah semerah udang, Aku mengambil cangkir itu dan kembali ke dapur.Arghhhh... memalukan!
With embarassing face, I just took the cup and back to kitchen. Arghhhh.... whadda shame!

Hyeehh... Akhirnya, kutambahkan gula dan jahe, sesukaku, sesuai instingku, gak pake perkiraan2 njlimet.
Hyeehh... I added more sugar and ginger, I tasted till the taste really looks what I like. I dun think anything else, just allowed my intuition.

Dan... wedhang jahe vrsi 2 SIAP!

Aku masuk kamar tanpa ngerjain apa-apa, etrmasuk PR-ku.
I entered my room without doing anything.

Dug... dug... deg-degan aku.
Dug...dug... my heart just beat fastly.

Argh.... Aku gak mau kembali ke dapur kedua kalinya hanya untuk nambahin gula atawa jahe!
Argh... I didn't want to back the kitchen for the same reason again.

Sebentar, kakungku udah nyeruput cangkir itu.
For a moment, my granpa drank the ginger.

Beliau berkata...
And said...

"Hmmm... segerrrr..."
"Hmmm.... how great it is!"

Aku hanya tersenyum kecil...
I just smile behind the door, great smile...

I got it!

Akhirnya, aku kembali menekuni kertas-kertas berserakan di meja kuliahku.
And completed my assignment...

Ahh... hari ini aku bener-bener jadi tukang "Wedhang Jahe" yang hebat...
Ahh... really good to be a good Ginger chef today...

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Futuristic Laptop 4 Women!

Hahaha ...

Mycill dan aku kemarin menemukan artikel bagus buat cewek. Hehehe... Liatin deh apa yang kita temuin pas nyari benda-benda warna pink!
Mycill and Me found a good article for girls yesterday. Hehehe ... Look what we found when we searched all of pink stuff!

Ini dia desain-desain laptop futuristik! ( From )
Here's futuristic designs laptop!
Bosan ama laptop2 item yang gayanya gitu-gitu doang? Nikita Buyanov telah merancang konsep laptop dengan inovasi dan gaya keren - untuk Intel / Hewlett Packard.
Bored of grave blacks in the name of laptops? Nikita Buyanov has designed concepts of laptops with innovation and style that floors – for Intel/Hewlett Packard.

Dalam konsep yang dikembangkan terutama dalam 3ds max (VRay) dengan beberapa koreksi photoshop, ia telah membuktikan maksudnya.
In the concepts developed mainly in 3ds max (VRay) with some photoshop corrections, she has proved her point.

HP Chameleon
The result is amazing, though still a concept. The HP Chameleon laptop concept, has an adaptive microcell coverage option. It transforms its exterior to look like its surrounding background.

HP Eco
The HP Eco model, resplendent in green, has solar charging cells, a bar-code reader for food products, and an accessory – a bangle for blood pressure control and pulse.

HP Fitness
A cool-blue fitness model for fitness freaks has a weight-checking option. It is not clear if the laptop can withstand someone’s weight. Its bangle is for sporting sessions.

HP Make-Up
The HP Make-up model in pink, can change its screen into a mirror, and the HP Mama model video-records your children’s movements. HP Perfume is meant to either convert into a lamp, or permeate fresh smells through its unique downloading ability of smell samples. For those who do not like squarish laptops, HP Nobag, with its thin screen and keyboard rolls in, to the size of a handy folded umbrella.