Sunday, 30 May 2010

Lost In Pekalongan


Kali ini aku pengin bikin narasi jalan-jalan ( sttt... studi industri tauk! ) ke Pekalongan.
This time, I wanna write about my traveling (sttt... it's a industrial obeservation, right!) in Pekalongan.

Jalan-jalan (bukan jalan-jalan, Non!) berlangsung seharian. Kamis, 27 Mei 2010.
The traveling ( It's not traveling, is it?!) held at Thursday, 27nd on May 2010.

Acara ini diikuti agak "WAJIB" bagi anak-anak KompAk kelas 3 Politeknik Negeri Semarang. Lebih sangare, angkatan 2007 lah.
This event "MUST BE" be followed by all of 3rd grade of Computerization Accounting in Semarang State Polytechnic. In other word, all of college class in 2007.

Peserta terdiri dari dua kelas, kelas A dan B. Kelas A si kelas sebelah yang ikut sebanyak 19 orang dari jumlah total 23 anak. Sedangkan kelasku alhamdulillah ikut semua alias 25 bocah.
Participants consisted of two classes, class A and B. Class A the next class which involved as many as 19 people from a total of 23 students. Alhamdulillah my class while 25 guyz go all.

Sedangkan hampir smua dosen program studi KompAk ikut semua. Dua wali kelas, Pak Agus dan Mak Mur kami tercinta juga ikut. Pak Ron selaku kaprodi juga gak ketinggalan.
While almost all the lecturers involved all Compact course join the trip. Two guardian class, Mr. Agus and Mrs. Mur our beloved, too. Mr. Ron as kaprodi also accompany us too.

OK,, Ayo kita mulai jalan-jalannya!
OK,, Let's start right now!

Take out from POLINES at 07.30 am. We got delicious breakfast. Hummm .... YUMMY!!!

Let's GOOO!!!

Hahaha... they were collapse before the WAR!

Ommm....Please don't borrow handsomeness =P

Yupz. This is the place to get lunch then.

Exist on the edge! (Hahaha... looks SuJu : Dancing out of the edge)

Hmm ... getting break in the TELLER ice is OK!

Argh ... I just realized when the ice is gone .... Ohhh .... it's OK to get the pic!

Batik at the mall ... This is really PEKALONGAN !

Banana shop...

Chose in Banana, although were not buying ...

Chen and Diandra ; just know that we're not permitted to take pic after being driven security. Hahaha ... :-P

Antique phone in Mr. Agus's brother house

Syafa Integration IT Consultant, new experience =)

Hmmm... really PEKALONGAN ! Everywhere... there is BATIK

Enter the Setono market!

Playing around the batik market. Hahaha... Keep narciss right!

The mosque in the market : wide enough and clean I think =)

Ella Mycill ; Hahaha... I dun know who is d one I should take d pic

The shopkeeper of Xoxa Woven Batik and Me... There are really good batik...
Hikz... but the price is really good too for poor collager like Me...

Monday, 24 May 2010

UNIBRAW : Reset My Memories


Kayaknya bener-bener enggak penting posting kali ini.
I think it's really not important story.
Cuma pengin nginget-nginget aja....
Just wanna remember again...

Jalan-jalan ma pak DIKTI di Malang tanggal 21 mpe 25 Juli 2009 alias setahun lalu...
Remember the "Travelling" with DIKTI in Malang at 2009, 21-25 July, one year ago...

Tak terkecuali peristiwa hilangnya diriku di tengah-tengah Unibraw alias Universitas Brawijaya yang gedhenya ampir 3x gedhenya Polines.
Especially when i lost. Ohhh... not good enough. I lost in the big Brawijaya University. Jiaaah... it area three times bigger than my campus, Politeknik Negeri Semarang

Jadi, itu bukan kesalahanku yang berpenyakit "buta arah" ini...
So, that wasn't my fault of course. Because i am really a "blind direction" girl.


Malangnya kita cuma bisa ambil gambar pas malam-malam aja, siangnya sok-sokan sibuk presentasi dan jaga stan.
Unfortunately, my friend and me could take the picture in the night only, coz we should spent all of the daytime to making presentation and booth.

Inilah foto-foto kagak penting PIMNAS 2009 versi Chen.
There all of the PIMNAS "UNIMPORTANT" picture, taken by Shinpo and me.

Hehe... bukan PIMNAS ding, tapi jalan-jalane yang tak sorotin....
Hehe... Wait! It's not about PIMNAS, just about our activity to spent the sparetime.

Enjoy it!

UB... I'm in Love... =p

The Lost Child

UB in the night... =)

Shinpo is a magician??? >D

Presentation in B class of PKM-K (entrepreneurship program)

With Raras from Gadjah Mada University.
Katulistiwa Brownies home industry =P Delicious!!!

Lira and Rizky from Politeknik Negeri Payakumbuh =)

Tanobi group from Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)... =D

PiMaPi (Pin aroMa teraPi) members in action!
Making pin with therapy aroma

Try our product, Sir...=p (bribery time...hahaha...>D)

"Take a rest" time.... (^^)b Good job, friends!

Students tasted our product too... OXY biscuit...hmmm... nyummi!

Stop Poisoning Our Environment! =D

Thanks Mr. Security....

Tyo, one of L.O who help us a lot. Thanks, Tyo...

Closing Ceremony

Gamelan... Java culture... =)

Traditional Dance performance.

Babe Restaurant and my bad table manner. Haha.



Sunday, 23 May 2010

A Simple Words from My Sista

Suatu hari di penghujung bulan Mei, temen cewek sekelasku "memaksa"ku mengupload kata-kata mutiaranya... hahaha...
One day in the end of, my classmate "poke" me to upload her aphorism... Hahaha...

Dan dia menulis dirinya dengan "Sista" juga...
Terserah lah.... Bagus juga kok!
Unfortunely I am, she force to write " Sista" too...
Whatever.... But, It's OK at all!

Hmmm.... coba kita lihat apa yang ada di pikirannya!
Hmmm... Let's see what she is thinking about!


"Kebahagiaan bukanlah tujuan hidup. Namun, Kebahagiaan adalah cara untuk hidup."
"Happiness is not the goal of life but happiness is the way to struggle the life."

Maka, hiduplah dengan kebahagiaan dan syukuri hidupmu setiap hari
jangan menunggu menjadi istimewa untuk bahagia, jangan menunggu alasan untuk bahagia
syukuri aja bahkan ketika dalam kesedihan dan kekecewaan.....
Because of that, do everything in your life with happiness and say thanks for everyday you spent
don't wait to be special to get happiness, don't wait reason to get happiness
Say thanks although in sadness and disappointed....

Terimakasih Alloh, udah ngasih aku hidup dan kesempatan bertemu orang tua, teman, dan sahabat yang luar biasa
Terimakasih Alloh, udah membuatku mengalami hal-hal yang luar biasa, dalam kesedihan dan kegembiraan aku percaya Engkau membimbingku.....
Mencari jalan menjadi wanita biasa yang memiliki hidup yang luar biasa.
Thanks to Allah, give me life and chance to meet extraordinary parents and friends
Thanks to Alloh, I get extraordinary things, in every sadness and happiness, I believe You help me to find the way become ordinary woman who has an extra ordinary life
("How ordinary woman, have an extraordinary life")


Huuu...uuuh... akhire aku tahu, dia terinsiprasi buku!
tapi aku bangga, dia hebat. Bisa ngarang indah!
Huuu... uuuh! Finally, i know that she is inspired from the book!
My thumb 4 you, my Sista! Your world's really great!

O ya, kata-kata mutiara di atas dikarang indah sama temenku, si Shinpo
O ya, this aphorism is written by Shinpo :)

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Yeah! I Wanna be D New One


akhir-akhir ini aku baru sadar, hawanya pengin marah-marah mulu...


For several days I've spend, I just got "angry time" every day...

Ugh! bener-bener kayak anak kecil!

Ugh! Whadda childish girl I am!

Aku mulai sebel sama semua hal yang bikin aku sensi, dan akhire aku marah2 tanpa ujung!

Start from little thing which can make me to be a sensitive person, and at the end that exploded without ending!

Hm... alhamdulillah... aku dapet semangat dari temen.

Hmm... thanks Alloh... I got a new spirit from her.

Hahaha.... apa kuncinya?

Hahaha... what's d key?



Betul, lakukan smua dengan ikhlas. Dan kau akan dapat balasan yang indah!

It's right then. Do everything with your sincere. And you'll get the best one!

Bukan hal yang kau inginkan, tapi yang TERBAIK UNTUKMU

It's not about what do you want but about WHAT THE BEST 4 U!