Kali ini aku pengin bikin narasi jalan-jalan ( sttt... studi industri tauk! ) ke Pekalongan.
This time, I wanna write about my traveling (sttt... it's a industrial obeservation, right!) in Pekalongan.
Jalan-jalan (bukan jalan-jalan, Non!) berlangsung seharian. Kamis, 27 Mei 2010.
The traveling ( It's not traveling, is it?!) held at Thursday, 27nd on May 2010.
Acara ini diikuti agak "WAJIB" bagi anak-anak KompAk kelas 3 Politeknik Negeri Semarang. Lebih sangare, angkatan 2007 lah.
This event "MUST BE" be followed by all of 3rd grade of Computerization Accounting in Semarang State Polytechnic. In other word, all of college class in 2007.
Peserta terdiri dari dua kelas, kelas A dan B. Kelas A si kelas sebelah yang ikut sebanyak 19 orang dari jumlah total 23 anak. Sedangkan kelasku alhamdulillah ikut semua alias 25 bocah.
Participants consisted of two classes, class A and B. Class A the next class which involved as many as 19 people from a total of 23 students. Alhamdulillah my class while 25 guyz go all.
Sedangkan hampir smua dosen program studi KompAk ikut semua. Dua wali kelas, Pak Agus dan Mak Mur kami tercinta juga ikut. Pak Ron selaku kaprodi juga gak ketinggalan.
While almost all the lecturers involved all Compact course join the trip. Two guardian class, Mr. Agus and Mrs. Mur our beloved, too. Mr. Ron as kaprodi also accompany us too.
Take out from POLINES at 07.30 am. We got delicious breakfast. Hummm .... YUMMY!!!
Let's GOOO!!!
Hahaha... they were collapse before the WAR!
Ommm....Please don't borrow handsomeness =P
Yupz. This is the place to get lunch then.
Exist on the edge! (Hahaha... looks SuJu : Dancing out of the edge)
Hmm ... getting break in the TELLER ice is OK!
Argh ... I just realized when the ice is gone .... Ohhh .... it's OK to get the pic!
Batik at the mall ... This is really PEKALONGAN !
Banana shop...
Chose in Banana, although were not buying ...
Chen and Diandra ; just know that we're not permitted to take pic after being driven security. Hahaha ... :-P
Antique phone in Mr. Agus's brother house
Syafa Integration IT Consultant, new experience =)
Hmmm... really PEKALONGAN ! Everywhere... there is BATIK
Enter the Setono market!
Playing around the batik market. Hahaha... Keep narciss right!
The mosque in the market : wide enough and clean I think =)
Ella Mycill ; Hahaha... I dun know who is d one I should take d pic
The shopkeeper of Xoxa Woven Batik and Me... There are really good batik...
Hikz... but the price is really good too for poor collager like Me...