Wednesday, 26 January 2011

I hope I....>>> Berharap aku...

Ini adalah tulisan nggak bermutu yang aku tulis untuk melengkapi aplikasiku beberapa waktu lalu. =)
This is one of my words for a application that I entered several days ago :

What are your long term career aspirations? What skills do you need to achieve these objectives? Please use additional papers if necessary.


I want to be a good entrepreneur and wife for my long term career. Why I choose two options? No. It is one career. How possible two of them can work in the same time?

I really like entrepreneurship because you will find yourself to be a creative person. As we all know, when Indonesia faced monetary crisis, the medium businesses were the one who can survive. A lot of them are entrepreneurs. I think it is really reasonable to improve Indonesian entrepreneurs. And I want to be one of them. Being an entrepreneur is good choice for supporting my status as a wife. Why? I want to be a wife and entrepreneur in the same time. I want to help people especially woman to works without forget their responsibility to take care their children. I want to learn how to get good communication within my partners and my families. I love my family time. I can do my hobbies and interesting such as taking care in my children, setting home, painting, gardening and I have a lot tea time. I really love entrepreneur too. I will have to organize my time, talk with many people characteristics, visiting them, sharing our experiences and traveling from my business development.

 I need to improve my skills in achieving my career. I start from learn everything about entrepreneurship since I entered college. I have been joining many entrepreneurship programs and events to rise up my experience and face other young entrepreneurs. To be an entrepreneur, I need extra hard work before I get the benefits. I already run a business right now. With my friends, we hold “OmahGodhong” house. We offer green products to our consumers. We market our products in piece and wholesale orders. To expand this business with other medium business, I need to learn more.

I want to expand my business with other medium business too. It starts from their weaknesses. One of weakness of medium businesses is in their marketing. Almost of them did know how to get good communication and use information technology tools. Based on my experience in training medium businesses at Kampoeng Batik Laweyan in Surakarta one year ago, I think they have good interest to increase their skill in using e-commerce on Joomla application. This shows us that medium businesses have high potential to be developed but they did not have skills actually. And it is important to give them how to increase their marketing skills in IT age.

For that reasons, I would like to learn more about my major in master degree. My recently major is Computerize Accounting. I learn about English for business, manual accounting, computerize accounting, management, multimedia technology, web designs, e-commerce, programming, system networking and many others. This major helps me build multi-faceted skills, both personally and professionally, thus giving me the ability to handle my careers and work challenges with greater confidence.   I decide to take my master degree in internet computing systems or computing.  From this way I will have a lot of experience for helping my business and other medium businesses in world marketing.

To be a good entrepreneur, I should have enough ability in communication too. One of important things in communication is language and culture. I want to learn various cultural programs and improve my English. I like traveling. I hope I could study abroad. I am interesting to learn other country cultures. They are beautiful and awesome. I feel that learning something new is very interesting.

So, from today I will prepare strategies for everything I need to achieve my career.

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May I have your words, Friend? =D