Overheating? Pernah denger?
Overheating? Did u even heard?
Kenapa tiba-tiba aku bahas ini?
Why I want to explain about this issue?
Alasannya gampang : Laptopku si Chen" ternyata termasuk laptop cepet panas ketimbang temen-temen seangkatannya!
Simple answer : Because my laptop, Chen! It is one of kind laptop which get easier to be heat than another laptop in my class!
Hoho... Secara sederhana, aku tau sih penyebabnya paling mungkin gara-gara otaknya yang bermemory setengah Giga aku kasih Windows Vista--dan dia bekerja keras untuk itu. Mungkin tambahan juga karena dia gak pernah punya kipas pendingin. Dan meski sekarang udah aku kasih cooler pad, tetep aja nih bocah cepet panas.(@_@) Hoho...
Simple... Of course I know, it's because I force to use Windows Vista although Chen's memory just 512 Mb--and it's really hard to work with this situation. For addition, I didn't use cooler pad too. Hmm... I am using it right now, but it's still become to heat. (@_@)
Trus, apaan tuh overheating?
So, what is overheating?
Laptopmu mulai mengeluarkan bunyi-bunyi aneh, sering hang dan mati sendiri ato restart, sekitar 10 sampai 15 menitan ato lebih. Dan bakal berulang-ulang pada menit berikutnya. Termasuk cepet panas juga. Parah kan?
The laptop starts beeping, freezes, restarts by itself or shuts down after it has been on for some time, typically 10-15 minutes or more. If you start it again, it does the same thing after just a few minutes. (www.laptoptips.ca)
Lah, kenapa juga berbahaya?
Why an Overheated Computer is Dangerous?
Overheating? Did u even heard?
Kenapa tiba-tiba aku bahas ini?
Why I want to explain about this issue?
Alasannya gampang : Laptopku si Chen" ternyata termasuk laptop cepet panas ketimbang temen-temen seangkatannya!
Simple answer : Because my laptop, Chen! It is one of kind laptop which get easier to be heat than another laptop in my class!
Hoho... Secara sederhana, aku tau sih penyebabnya paling mungkin gara-gara otaknya yang bermemory setengah Giga aku kasih Windows Vista--dan dia bekerja keras untuk itu. Mungkin tambahan juga karena dia gak pernah punya kipas pendingin. Dan meski sekarang udah aku kasih cooler pad, tetep aja nih bocah cepet panas.(@_@) Hoho...
Simple... Of course I know, it's because I force to use Windows Vista although Chen's memory just 512 Mb--and it's really hard to work with this situation. For addition, I didn't use cooler pad too. Hmm... I am using it right now, but it's still become to heat. (@_@)
Trus, apaan tuh overheating?
So, what is overheating?
Laptopmu mulai mengeluarkan bunyi-bunyi aneh, sering hang dan mati sendiri ato restart, sekitar 10 sampai 15 menitan ato lebih. Dan bakal berulang-ulang pada menit berikutnya. Termasuk cepet panas juga. Parah kan?
The laptop starts beeping, freezes, restarts by itself or shuts down after it has been on for some time, typically 10-15 minutes or more. If you start it again, it does the same thing after just a few minutes. (www.laptoptips.ca)
Lah, kenapa juga berbahaya?
Why an Overheated Computer is Dangerous?
Simpel sih, jika komputer mulai panas banget, jelaslah bakal ngerusak dan memperpendek umur hardware-mu, bikin gak bakal bisa diperbaiki dan kehilangan semua datamu! Waw!
Simply put, if your computer becomes too hot, it is possible to destroy and shorten the lifespan of the hardware inside your computer, leading to irreparable damage and potential data loss. Besides losing your data, heat pecks away at your computer's internal organs—the motherboard, CPU, and more—significantly shortening its lifespan. (http://lifehacker.com)
Penyebab paling utama?
The most caused by?
The cooling system of the computer is one of the most important functions of the device. Without cooling electrical components of the computer would not be turned on, overheating can damage the components of what his team. Frequent overheating will damage the motherboard! The most important part of your laptop that needs to be clean is… the heatsink. Yes, heat is the “cause of death” for most laptops. The heat not only causes all components to expand and contract a little (as you turn it on and off), but will also reach dangerously high levels and make your laptop crash or shut down if the fan(s) and the heatsink(s) are clogged with dust.
Cara mencegah? Ini trik yang aku dapet dari detikINET :
How to prevent? There are tricks I have found from detikINET :
- Bersihkan sistem ventilasi pada laptop dengan kompresor.
- Selalu letakkan laptop di permukaan yang keras. Hindari meletakkan laptop di selimut, kain wool atau permukaan lembut lainnya yang dapat menghalangi angin dan pertukaran udara.
- Matikan laptop sebelum memasukkannya ke dalam kotak/tas. Jika Anda tidak ingin mematikannya, atur laptop dalam kondisi hibernate. Hal ini penting untuk mencegah terjadinya proses peningkatan panas. Jangan sekali-kali meletakkan laptop yang sedang beroperasi di tempat yang sempit, ini bisa meningkatkan panas.
- Instal software monitoring, seperti SpeedFan, yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mengawasi dan memantau suhu prosesor, hard drive dan komponen lainnya.
- Atur setting power untuk mencegah panas berlebih pada komponen seperti layar dan hard drive. Turunkan power secepatnya jika memang tidak dibutuhkan.
- Anda juga bisa menggunakan pendingin laptop yang dapat mencegah panas berlebih.
- Jika laptop Anda berpotensi mengalami overheat dan masih dalam masa garansi, jangan ragu untuk melaporkan keluhan Anda tersebut.
- Jika Anda berencana membeli laptop baru, jangan gegabah! Telitilah dulu dengan seksama. Cari informasi tentang laptop model dan merek apa yang sering overheat, sehingga Anda tidak menyesal di kemudian hari.
- Clean the ventilation system on a laptop with a compressor.
- Always place the laptop on a hard surface. Avoid placing the laptop on a blanket, wool cloth or other soft surface that may block the wind and air exchange.
- Turn off the laptop before putting it in a box / bag. If you do not want to turn it off, set up the laptop in a state of hibernation. It is important to prevent the increase in heat. Never put a laptop that is operating in a narrow place, this can increase the heat.
- Install monitoring software, such as SpeedFan, which allows you to supervise and monitor the temperature of the processor, hard drive and other components.
- Adjust the power settings to prevent overheating of components such as screens and hard drives. Lower power as soon as possible if it is not needed.
- You can also use a laptop cooler that can prevent overheating.
- If your laptop overheated and potentially still under warranty, do not hesitate to report your complaint is.
- If you plan on buying a new laptop, do not be hasty! Examine carefully first. Find information about the laptop model and brand of what is often overheat, so you will not regret in the future.
Yah... tapi buat mahasiswa pasti paling sering mangku laptop penyebabnya. Selain bikin overheating si laptop, kebiasaan buruk ini bikin paha terbakar permanen lo!
Yeah... for students most often caused maybe because of their hobby : Put the laptop on their thighs! Besides making the laptop overheating, these bad habits make your thighs burn permanently!
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